A set dresser is given a blank slate within the physical space of a scene. Their primary role is to fill the set with furniture, decor, and other interior design elements. This is separate from a prop master who handles various props and objects that appear in a scene. In addition, it’s different than a set designer who designs the overall space. Set dressers are literally dressing the physical space of the set and traditionally work under the set designer on a film production. Set dressers work closely with line producers, tracking the overall expenses of the furniture and decor elements that you see on set. They employ their design skills and deep understanding of the script to create immersive worlds for the characters to live in.
The prop master on a production is the head of the props department. The prop master, short for property master, is responsible for acquiring appropriate props, organizing them, and overseeing the usage of props on set. They often direct a team of prop makers and prop runners. And they ultimately report directly to the production designer as they are a part of the art department.